We try to schedule rides based on favorable weather conditions. However, weather conditions can create hazards for cyclists, and we cannot always predict that conditions will remain good for an entire ride. When cycling, consider the following:
Always bring plenty of fluids when riding during hot weather, especially if the temperatures are over 90 degrees. Know the symptoms of heat stroke and heat exhaustion. If you are experiencing difficulty from riding in the heat, please let someone know, stop, get out of the sun, and call for help. Heat is the number one weather related cause of death in the U.S.
If you are caught in the rain while riding, you may experience difficulty with the operation of your brakes. Adjust your speed and riding accordingly.
If caught in the rain, turn lights on, just as you would when driving other vehicles. Motorist ability to see is decreased in the rain.
Windy conditions, where gusts or sustained winds are over 20 MPH, create hazards due to difficulty in bike handling, especially with cross winds. High winds also blow debris into roads and in cases have caused accidents when small limbs have been blown into cyclists’ wheels.